Celebrating 40 years of success, America Works is dedicated to helping people out of poverty by assisting them in finding meaningful employment. Here's to four decades of inspiring success stories and endless possibilities ahead!

America Works is Committed to Fighting for Racial Justice and Equality

America Works is proud of our country and the protesters who have demanded racial justice after the tragic killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless other Americans whose lives have been treated as expendable because of the color of their skin.

We were founded in 1984 to fight for the rights of the disenfranchised, particularly those who are marginalized by systemic racism. We go to work every day trying to make life better for people through our bail reform programs, our re-entry programs, and the collaborations we do with municipalities across the United States in support of criminal justice reform and providing job opportunities to those in need.

It has been said that change comes slowly, and then all at once. For the first time, we are seeing a broad consensus from people of all backgrounds and across the political spectrum that the time for reform has come, because the American people are standing up and demanding it.

America Works was established to channel the power of the private sector towards equal justice and opportunity for all. We believe that the work we do every day, every time we find a new opportunity for someone who has been marginalized because of race or circumstance, is a form of protest against the forces of society that have knocked them down.

As challenging as this time has been, we are inspired by this movement, the promise of government officials to respond with substantial reform, and the possibility that real change is at hand.