Celebrating 40 years of success, America Works is dedicated to helping people out of poverty by assisting them in finding meaningful employment. Here's to four decades of inspiring success stories and endless possibilities ahead!


We are confident that with your effort and our help and guidance, you will achieve success. Our relationships with a vast number of local employers offer a wide variety of opportunity. We work with your interests, employment history and career goals in order to find the right path for you.


My Life Changed with America Works

Most job seekers at America Works are working again within four weeks. After you are employed, we continue our service. We are there every step of the way while you establish yourself within your new job and offer a number of services that will help with the transition such as problem solving and helpful reminders. Depending on your career choices, we also provide additional training that will help accelerate your growth in your chosen field.

Hear firsthand about some recent life-changing transformations.

Khadijah had not worked in over 10 years, had been living in a shelter, and was dealing with symptoms of depression, deepened by the loss of her father. Working closely with the trainers at America Works, Khadijah was exposed to many industries. Finally settling on security guard training, she completed the course and was Immediately hired by a partner of America Works. Khadijah came into the office with happy tears in her eyes once she realized that she would finally be back working after a long absence away from the workforce. “It was all thanks to you guys, you gave me hope…and for that I’m extremely grateful!”
Valerie was receiving disability from Social Security and wanted desperately to improve her situation. When Valerie started with America Works, she was nearly homeless and had very little relationship with her daughter. It took some adjusting, but after starting her second job she was on her path to stability and independence. She has now been working for over six years. During that time, America Works helped her find a stable apartment and Valerie has been able to rebuild her relationship with her daughter. Valerie credits America Works with turning her life around and continues to share her accomplishments.

Never Too Late: A Veteran’s Story

After many years of being homeless, unemployed and battling addiction, Johnnie proved that it’s never too late to start over and was honored by President Barack Obama at the White House.

Johnnie served his country in the Army overseas. Ten years after his return, substance abuse took over his life. He lost his job, and lived on the streets without work for more than 19-years until he connected with Chicago’s Veterans Affairs. The VA referred him to America Works, where the staff gave him a much needed support system. They helped him prepare a resume, coached him on using a computer, email and the Internet.

The team recognized his potential and knew he was ready to step into the workforce again. They encouraged him to test for a position at the United States Postal Service (where he had once worked). He passed the exam and accepted a position with the USPS. Johnnie now lives in his own apartment and is proudly employeed. More than one year later, he continues to check in at America Works, where he receives encouragement and well-deserved praise for accomplishments.

Akeem was laid off from a Digital Marketing Coordinator position and began searching for something that would fulfill him and be relevant to his qualifications. However, after some difficult circumstances with family issues at home, he realized he needed additional help. Akeem was referred to America Works where his representative used all their available resources to assist him. Akeem later stated, “The training here was on a different level. The people here…genuinely want to help.” Akeem was referred to an interview by America Works and he accepted the position as a Web Designer for $50,000 per year plus benefits.

No Barriers, Only Opportunity

Lamont was unable to read and write when he came to America Works. He also didn’t have any prior work experience. However, the team did not see any of these circumstances as barriers. Instead, they focused on his potential and strengths – his work ethic, willingness to learn and dedication to improving himself.

With the help of the staff filling out applications, Lamont applied for local jobs. On occasion, he would get lost on his way to job interviews because he was unable to read street signs. Our team would immediately find him and drop him off at the right location. They coached him on attire and interview skills so that he felt confident and prepared. And it worked. Lamont works for a national restaurant chain. The job was a first step in his self-improvement journey and knows that our team will be there to help him along the way.

A Fresh Start

Owen was newly out of prison after serving more than 24-years when he first came to America Works.

He had never used a computer, the Internet or a mobile phone. However, he had his life back and was eager to catch up on everything he had missed. Our team coached him through the basics of operating a computer, setting up email, applying for jobs, inquiring about certifications and various courses.

While he lacked work experience and a resume, Owen came in each day with drive and determination to become self-sufficient. He worked diligently so that he could provide for himself and his family. He endured a long commute on public transportation just so that he could work with our team to prepare for interviews, attend various classes and work on improving himself.

His hard work paid off. He landed a job after his first interview. Not long after, he obtained his permit and now has his driver’s license. Owen is well on his way to being self-sufficient and has never looked back.



We help with both hard and soft skills such as verbal and written communication, customer service, computer literacy and much more. These skills will provide you with an edge over the competition.


After intensive preparation, we match your career goals and work history to available opportunities by using our connections with local employers to get you right to the interview stage.


After you have accepted your new position, our support continues. Our staff is there to ensure a smooth transition by helping you establish a positive routine.


We are there to help you set up for success. After you settle in at work, we provide training and certification opportunities that can help you advance within your company, or move on to a different opportunity.