Celebrating 40 years of success, America Works is dedicated to helping people out of poverty by assisting them in finding meaningful employment. Here's to four decades of inspiring success stories and endless possibilities ahead!


See a collection of news from America Works!
Ticket To Work Representative in their Bronx Office join Bob Lee for a look at their upcoming ticket to work open house.
An Antipoverty Veteran Now Wages War on Dependency

Peter Cove dropped out of a graduate program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison more than 50 years ago to enlist in Lyndon Johnson’s War o...

Lowman Henry's Newsmaker Interview

Lowman Henry with Veronique De Rugy on Border Adjustment Tax - available in mp3 format for download...

New hope for kids aging out of foster care

‘You learn things from the program. They teach you to write a résumé, to talk in an interview. They teach you how to keep smiling,” says K...

Progressives Need To Rethink Poverty Solutions

More than 50 years ago I entered the war on poverty as a foot soldier with all the eager enthusiasm one could muster. The attempt to eliminate p...

'Poor No More:' a Blueprint for Dismantling the 'Welfare Industrial Complex'

Has America lost the "War on Poverty?" Since 1964, the federal government has spent over $19 trillion on welfare programs, and all that money ha...

U.S. Disability Programs Need a Work Requirement

The U.S. faces a social and fiscal crisis: Millions of Americans of prime working age do not have jobs, while the cost of federal disability pro...

The Ticket to Work Program: Helping the Disabled to Achieve Self-Sufficiency

The Ticket to Work Program provides men and women on federal disability with a “ticket” or voucher that they can use to obtain free vocation...


An exclusive new study says that Social Security’s “Ticket to Work” is a winner! Find out how the program would be affected if President T...

Helping the disabled to find work is next step to growing employment rate

Helping the disabled to find work is next step to growing employment ratePresident Trump consistently calls for policies and programs that jumpstart economic growth and give more Americans the opportunity to work. The...