America Works Tennessee WIPA Services
Helping to promote employment and financial independence for beneficiaries of the Social Security disability programs.
What is Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA)? The WIPA program helps Social Security beneficiaries with disabilities receive free, accurate information about work rules and regulations to help them make a successful transition to work.
What Services Does WIPA Provide? A Certified Work Incentives Coordinator (CWIC) provides individualized, in-depth, employment focused benefits counseling and work incentives planning that helps you understand how returning to work will impact your benefits as well as recommend work incentives that can maximize your income and health care options as you return to work and achieve greater financial independence. The CWIC can also help you identify and access appropriate Employment Networks and other employment support services that can help you return to and support your personal work goals.
Who is eligible for WIPA Services? Persons eligible for WIPA must be:
- - Receiving benefits from Social Security based on a disability
- - Between the ages of 14 and full retirement age
- - Employed or seriously considering employment or working toward employment
How can I get more information: For more information or to see if you may qualify for WIPA services call the Help Line at 1-866-968-7842. The Help Line provides general information about the Ticket to Work Program, the WIPA program, and how work affects Social Security benefits.
If it is determined that WIPA services may be a good fit for you, then you will be referred to an America Works Tennessee CWIC Representative for further screening and support.

WIPA Project is funded primarily by the Social Security Administration (SSA) and provides services in all 50 states and territories and is a critical component of the national effort to improve employment outcomes for Social Security disability beneficiaries.