Do you want to know how America Works?
America Works matches people of all demographics with attainable and sustainable employment opportunities.
More than just job placement.
We understand the process involves more than just getting a job. That's why America Works helps with wraparound services to support you along the way. Services include:
transportation assistance, counseling, employment bonuses, support services, training assistance and more.
Prep for success.
From beginning the application process, opportunity selection, and interview prep, our sales team and corporate representatives work with you every step of the way so that your
confidence and skills land the job that's right for you.
Embark on a rewarding employment experience.
Work is more than getting a paycheck. It's an opportunity to socialize, build skills, collaborate, gain confidence, advance and be rewarded for it.
Continue to receive support after you start work.
Once we place you on a job, we're here to support you along the way. Continued counseling, transportation and training opportunities as well as career advancement support are just
some of the ways we can continue to help.
A bridge to a better future.
We believe work is at the heart financial stability, health and wellness, food security, and personal and professional success.